Launched by Sound and Music in 2020, the Fair Access Principles is a set of best practice principles for arts organisations running artist development programmes and opportunities to ensure their programmes are as inclusive and accessible as possible. Over 35 organisations have signed up to the Principles, and signatories get access to bespoke support, sharing best practice and data, and attending our annual Fair Access Assembly.
This year we are celebrating five years since the launch of the Principles, an exciting point of reflection and renewed energy to grow the network and increase awareness around access and inclusion in our sector in the UK. We are hosting our annual Fair Access Assembly in mid-March 2025, and we are keen invite any new signatories along to this great opportunity to connect with other organisations in the network and take part in the shared learning that makes this network so valuable.
Signing up to the Fair Access Principles is free and as a Fair Access signatory you get bespoke advice on making any changes to your programmes or open calls as part of aligning them to the Fair Access Principles.
For more information visit