Update your knowledge about practice, policy and research in creative health, social prescribing, arts in hospital, care homes, theatres, museums and galleries, digital arts, person centred practice, practitioner training and development, self-care and support and more.
- Engage with experienced leaders: including Jayne Howard, Creative Health Associates Programme Manager at the National Centre for Creative Health and Isobel Jones, Chief Executive, Alive Activities in Bristol that pioneered dementia friendly allotments
- Take part in skills workshops: led by expert practitioners: choose from art, music, dance, and drama.
- Renew contacts and make new connections
- Continue learning when you visit exhibition stands, buy creative arts and dementia books and bring, share and take away information leaflets about your work and organisation
Concessionary Tickets
The following are eligible to purchase concessionary tickets:
Small charities (3 employees or fewer) working with people living with dementia
Freelance creative arts practitioners such as community artists, musicians, dancers, poets, etc
Freelance Therapists
College and university students
We encourage people with lived experience to join us and offer a nominal-priced ticket to the following groups:
People living with dementia
Family carers
For more information and to book visit