  • Zoe Konez, community musician and Sound Sense board member
News & Views
I Believe in Music
Date posted: 10 September 2019
Find out why you should consider standing for election for the Sound Sense Board of Directors

Being a community musician very often means being a freelancer, working in a range of sometimes challenging settings, without a strong network of support more usually available to people working in different sectors.

I do this work I do because I believe in music as a tool for inclusion, social cohesion, self-expression and building self-esteem.

I believe that music is an important part of life, and I believe that the opportunity for music making should be available to everyone, everywhere.

Whilst I’d be happy to spend my days wandering the streets with my ukulele and a bag of percussion inviting people to participate, I know that I can’t make music making accessible to everyone on my own. It is important to be part of a network helping each other thrive as community musicians, to ensure we are supported, protected and connected as we move through our career.

Being a member of Sound Sense gives us a framework to share experience and ideas, feel part of a bigger voice and to develop our professional practice together. I wanted to join the Sound Sense board to have the opportunity to share my perspective as a community musician working with children and older people, in healthcare, education and community settings.

Community music as a sector is facing many challenges, from funding cuts to changes in education policy, not to mention the impact of ‘the B word’. But there is also some fantastic work being delivered and positive news to share. The increasing recognition of music as a tool for improved wellbeing, the inquiry report, “Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing” presented by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing and the gradual roll-out of social prescribing nationally, signals an important change in attitudes around the impact of music and the Arts, at the highest level.

I’m proud to be a Sound Sense board member alongside a mix of highly experienced practitioners in the community music world. I’m excited to meet new board members who can bring a passion for our sector, and share their own viewpoint. If you are interested to be involved in Sound Sense then put yourself forward and join us!

>> Find out how you can take part in our forthcoming election on our Jobs & Careers page

>> Meet our current team of directors

Please note that the deadline for nominations for the 2019 election is Monday 7 October.